How to Keep Lone Workers Safe

Lone workers are by job definition people who work in remote or isolated areas without any supervision. Monitoring APPs and devices help company owners and field supervisors with the surveillance and providing assistance in times of emergency. A desk job is a rarity for lots of industries such as utility, manufacturing, and maintenance. In fact, many professions within those sectors require their workforce to work alone and in challenging environments. While performing repairs or traveling to a job site, they can be involved in an accident or be the target of a physical attack which happens quite often. Lone working APPs and devices can detect if a person falls from a certain height and contact an emergency contact after a certain period of time.


Health and safety may not be a popular topic, but it is essential, as well as being a legal necessity. It is in every company owner's best interests to protect their workers, establish them as a credible person and build trust with the employees. Once you have established a company policy, the next step should be to train your employees and raise awareness to the dangers of working alone. Lone workers are under constant risk of being involved in a serious accident. Here are some of the dangers that await them; sudden illnesses, physical or verbal attacks, driving-related incidents and accidents on the platform they are working on. They are not necessarily in danger all the time but it is still reasonable to take the necessary precautions and make sure nothing serious happens to them.



From a utility agent driving to a client, to a service engineer conducting a remote check-up, lone workers are far from rare in today’s work environment.  Lone workers face unique risks and hazards that are not always obvious, like having fewer means of communications or difficulty getting help during an emergency. However, that doesn't mean that they should have to deal with more injuries and incidents than the other lines of work. Business owners are bound by law to protect their workforce and lone working APPs and devices are the best way to accomplish that.